Symptoms of depression

 Symptoms of depression

Symptoms of depression

Depression is a highly prevalent psychiatric disorder that is more commonly observed in females. The symptoms of depression include a persistent low mood, loss of interest in daily activities, fatigue, sleep disturbances, decreased appetite and sexual desire, feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness, reduced attention and concentration, which can significantly impact the academic performance of students. If left untreated, depression can worsen and lead to feelings of guilt and suicidal ideation, resulting in the loss of a loved one. However, it is important to note that depression is highly treatable, and there are effective treatment options available that do not carry the risk of addiction. In most cases, treatment for depression typically lasts for a duration of 4 to 6 months. Therefore, it is crucial to raise awareness about depression within our society, as this can greatly improve the quality of life for individuals and potentially save many lives that are lost due to a lack of knowledge and the associated stigma.